The erosion mitigation and repair work that began in February along the Kalamalka Lake section of the rail trail was completed on Thursday, April 16. Thank you to all trail users for patience during the period of construction closures.
Past flooding events on Kalamalka Lake caused serious damage and significantly eroded sections of the Kalamalka Lake shoreline, leaving sections of the Okanagan Rail Trail vulnerable to future high water levels and wave action. The RDNO completed the first phase of erosion repair in September 2019, and there will be additional work this fall.
Below: 2017 high water levels and shoreline protection (gabions) prior to rail trail development.
Below: RDNO Erosion Work Completed. Note more natural techniques including anchored logs and boulders to protect and restore shoreline diversity and habitat.
Below: RDNO Erosion Work Completed. Note more natural techniques including anchored logs and boulders to protect and restore shoreline diversity and habitat.