Q: When will the central section of the trail be completed?

A:  The Department of Indigenous Services Canada is facilitating the transfer of corridor ownership from CN Rail to the Government of Canada and deemed the lands for the use and benefit of the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB), through the federal Addition to Reserve (ATR) process. Construction and public use of the rail trail through IR#7 Duck Lake would not occur until after this process is complete and is also subject to OKIB affirming participation in the Rail Trail including public access to the lands. There is no specified time frame for this complex project, and no safe route around this closed section.

Q: Can I still donate towards the trail?

A: Funds to develop the basic trail were successfully raised through grant applications and a public fundraising campaign. Additional funds will be required for trailside enhancements, such as rest areas and interpretive sites, guided by a trail master plan. Some of these enhancements will the focus of future public fundraising campaigns. The current capital campaign is for trailhead developments around Kilometre Zero in Coldstream.

Q: Can I sponsor a memorial bench?

A: We understand the desire to commemorate loved ones by contributing towards this public legacy.  In the trail fundraising campaign, several donations were made ‘in memoriam’.  Further trail development, including trail furnishings, will be planned and coordinated by the trail master plan. While there are currently no plans for a memorial bench program, every fundraising campaign offers the chance to leave an enduring mark to honour loved ones.

Q: Where can I camp? Where can I stay? Where can I rent bicycles?

A: Our friendly tourism agencies can help you with these questions and more!

Q: Why did it cost over $7 million to develop the trail?

A: This magnificent route is a valuable community asset that will be used for generations to come. Costs to convert a railway corridor to a safe, enjoyable route for walking and cycling are required to:

1) Ensure safety and comfort of trail users by widening the trail bed, addressing natural hazards (e.g.rock scaling), ensuring safety at trail/road crossings through intersection control, and finishing the trail with an even, smooth surface of crushed, compact aggregate material.

2) Protect the environment. The corridor was built in the 1930s and not been maintained to current environmental standards. Part of trail development has been to ensure that environmental protection measures are in place, particularly along lakeshores and watercourses.

3) Allow access to multiple types of users.

4) Ensuring long term durability with minimal maintenance.

Project Partners

See who were actively involved in developing, funding and managing the Okanagan Rail Trail