n̓syilxcən Pronunciation Guide

The People and Language

Okanagan People



Okanagan Language


Ways of Life

captikʷɬ  / ways of life and living; oral story laws

q’ʷc’iʔ   / pit house dwellings



pútiʔ kʷu aláʔ / we are still here

iscmypnwiɬn əc xʷəstustn k’l’ isnxaʔcinəm  / walking our learning forward

Place Names

n̓kək̓m̓apl̓qs / Little Head of the Lake (referring to Kalamalka Lake)

xwił iʔ sw̓ kʷnaʔqin / Road of the Okanagan People

kɬusxnitkʷ / a place or a body of water that has two long sides; referring to Okanagan Lake

n̓łəłt̓pmíw̓scin̓ – means “jumping over place” referring to a place where the creek narrows; now downtown Vernon area

acɬuc̓us / Refers to the narrowest strip between Kalamalka and Woods Lake; a bushy strip of land; now known as Oyama Isthmus

pl̓míwaʔs – A reference to the wider parts of land between the middle of two water masses; relates to the general Oyama area. 

ackɬtx̌ʷəx̌ʷqʷm / refers to “small enclosed land” or “the land between”in between three lakes; the area of Duck Lake reserve

kiʔláwnaʔ / Grizzly bear; name adopted by settlers for city of Kelowna

Food Chiefs

sk̓̓əmx̌íst / Black bear

sp̓iƛ̓m̓  / Bitterroot

nty̓tyix / Salmon

síyaʔ / Saskatoon berry


sqipc / spring

sqʷac / summer

sk’ay / fall 

slistk / winter

Plants and Animals

smúkʷaʔxn / Arrowleaf balsamroot

mul̓x / Black Cottonwood

nt̓t̓qt̓qikn̓xn  / Shrubby Penstemon

sp̓itsn̓ / Hemp Dogbane 

yitimniłp / Round Leaved Alumroot

paʕ̓páʕ̓łmlx / Rabbitbrush 

x̌líwa  / Nodding Onion

ɬux̌ʷɬáx̌ʷ / Chokecherry 

ɬux̌ʷɬx̌ʷiɬp / Chokecherry bush 

sc̓rsiłmlx / Oregon Grape

tukʷtán – Tule, hardstem bulrush

t̓l̓t̓l̓tiłp  / Smooth Sumac

skʷəkʷʔiłp / Rose bush

skʷəkʷiw̓   Rosebud, rosehip

kəkn’í / Kokanee Salmon

ʔar̓ síkʷ / Turtle